Customer Testimonials

Nancy Hadley, White Plains, NY

Matt’s team helped my 90 year old Aunt prepare to downsize to a smaller home. 70 years of ‘treasures’ needed to be sorted for trash, donation and keepers. Matt responded to my on-line inquiry almost immediately. He didn’t charge for the assessment which was a big plus since we were not really sure what needed to be done. We had no prior experience with an ‘organizer’. He was very professional, smart, and resourceful. He provided a proposal the very next day. He worked with my Aunt to find a schedule that didn’t put stress on her. The team worked through many rooms in the house in a very organized fashion. They were gentle, kind, yet were able to keep the process moving when tears started to flow. Spectacular effort. My Aunt is moving soon and will probably need Matt’s help again. Having an elderly person downsize is a very stressful experience. Matt’s team managed the effort flawlessly. I recommend them without reservations.