Customer Testimonials

Rachel Singer, Ryebrook, NY

I want to THANK YOU so very much for all your company has done for me, for all of us in our home! A few years back, we blended two families and two homes. I looked at my garage for two summers, saying “this summer I will organize it, so we can fit cars in it this winter…” Needless to say, it was not done. You came to my home and explained the process. You said it would take a day, but I was even skeptical of THAT!Within an hour and a half, I was being asked what I wanted to keep and what I could part with. Your team worked so hard and categorized my garage with area themes “storage”, “camping equipment”, “tools”, “garbage”, “donations”, etc. Not only did my garage shine, but, the team ended two hours to spare, meaning I did not pay my estimated amount for the job! You continued to help by providing and orchestrating donation trucks and a shredding company to finish the job. It was seamless. A few months later, I decided to call you again, this time to conquer my basement. Again, the process was seamless, painless and thorough. I am able to enjoy and use the space in my home because of your expert organizational skills. Your teams are professional and skilled at helping me organize my items. Thank you for all you have done. I look forward to continuing to work with your teams in the future and do not hesitate on recommending you to ANYONE!!!!!