Published On: August 9th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Floor Planning, Home page, storage|

For those of you who prefer to read, here is a transcription of my video with this title.

The plane truth about organizing is that is all about how you master the use of your horizontal and vertical planes.  In case you thought I misspelled “plain,” no, I’m making a lame pun. A plane is defined as a flat surface on which a straight line joining two points on it would wholly lie. So how do I explain this play-on-words? Effective organizing is all about the “plane game” Why?

The Organizing Powers of a Clear Work Surface

Let’s begin with your #1 organizing tool: a clear work surface. When you have a clear work surface, you have the power to:

  1. Spread out
  2. Identify the elements competing for your attention
  3. Prioritize
  4. Process

Think I’m wrong? Fill up your remaining clear work surfaces and watch how much harder it is to get organized and stay organized. If you try this and I AM wrong, let me know!

Keeping a clear work surface is so important that I would go so far as to say this: All organizing systems should be designed to support your vital clear work surface.

Of course you will want to devote some surfaces to “display” and for frequently-used tools, but they should never be squandered on storage. It’s your MVP in the plane game.


Keep Your Floorspace Clear

The other obvious horizontal plane is your floor. One of my organizing colleagues, Susan Lovallo of Clutter Solutions says “the only thing that belongs on the floor is furniture.” I agree. I would add that feet and furniture belong on the floor, but that’s it!

Besides the obvious disadvantage of feeling crowded by a floor with piles, there is the disadvantage of accessibility denied. When you get comfortable with the piles-on-the-floor option, these piles will block access to sensible storage solutions like cabinets and closets.

This leads you to forget the contents of your closets and cabinets. This in turn leads to duplicate purchases, keeping unnecessary items, and not putting things away, ultimately sabotaging organization. Closet floor filled up with shoes? That makes it hard to access what’s on your shelves and hanging on your closet rod. So show your floor some respect! It will be your organizing friend if you let it be.


Ground Rules for Playing the Plane Game

Ground Rule #1: Respect the value

The first ground rule in the plane game is to understand and respect the value of a clear work surface and open floor. Recognizing their importance is the first step to getting organized and staying organized.

Ground Rule #2 : Clear the horizontal planes

The second rule then is to clear the horizontal planes. Seek all opportunities to discard, donate, sell, and relocate all items that clutter your floors and surfaces.

Ground Rule #3: Work the vertical plane

The third rule is to work the vertical plane. There are ultimately just two directions for excess stuff to go: out and up. “Out” refers to the opportunities in Rule #2. “Up” refers to taking advantage of vertical storage. Is it possible to shelve or hang what’s on your horizontal planes? Any time you can shift what’s on your horizontal plane to a vertical plane, you should. Remember the value of those horizontal planes for processing and access.


Play the Plane Game to Stay Organized

Finally, enjoy the victory. When you play the plane game, you win. It will be easier to stay organized for three reasons:

  1. You will always have clear surfaces for processing the things that come into your life.
  2. You will have open clearance on your floors for accessing items on the vertical plane.
  3. You will have a clear scoreboard of what you have available in front of you.

Clear floors and surfaces with along with a vertical scoreboard  give you the structural help to stay organized.

Why should you have to do all the work?


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