Back To School Organizing
This time of year, some things automatically go on the to do list. Stock up on school supplies? Check. Sign up for after school activities? Check. Back to school clothes? Check. You might also want to consider these five organizing tips to reduce the stress in your family’s routine, for the new school year.
Don’t Throw That Out!
We hear it a lot and it’s usually from the husband, who still doesn’t quite understand what the heck we are doing in his home. “Hey, don’t throw that out!” The point of a good professional organizer is not to make you throw stuff out. Our focus isn’t on tossing, it’s on keeping. It’s about what you are keeping, why you are keeping, how much you are keeping, and where are you keeping.
Organizing Your Pets
Let’s face it. Pets are messy! As with all organizing solutions, the answer is establishing dedicated zones. If you have a small dog or a cat, like Daniel here, just store him on a shelf. Look how thrilled he is! OK, so I’m kidding, but the real point here is not to be uncomfortable with leaving open spaces. We had recently cleared this shelf, but instead of filling it up, just for the sake of filling it, we left it open.
A Dynamic Duo For Storage
As with a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup, two storage items that are good separately are great together. The two items I am focusing on today may seem pretty familiar individually and perhaps you use the combination already. I would go so far as to say that for a quick, easy, inexpensive, and optimally efficient solution, there is nothing better.
How To Unpack Fast
Ever notice how the relaxing effects of a vacation often go sour on the trip home? While I may not have advice for the stressful return flight or traffic, I can offer some tips for streamlining the unpacking process. Let’s face it, you may feel compelled to attend to your pet, quench your thirst, filter through the mail, or just take a nap, but no one wants to dive in to unpacking, when you first return home. However,
Savor, Not Save
If you find yourself struggling with HOW to get organized, it might make all the difference in the world to step back and ask, WHY get organized? You will find it easier to stay organized, if the reason why has more to do with savoring than with saving. When you’re saving, it’s either stuff that ties you the past or prepares you for the future. Some of both is necessary, but too much can compromise your enjoyment of the present. ...
Safety In Numbers?
When it comes to finding what you want, when you want it, I have come to believe that the security that come from “safety in numbers” is a false sense of security. Let’s look at pens, for example. In my parent’s household, there was always a basket full of writing implements next to the telephone. Or so I thought. For it seems that every time I reached for a simple ballpoint pen to write a message with, I would ...
Bon Voy-organizing!
Just got back from a two week vacation, but I haven’t taken a vacation from thoughts on organizing. Here are a few organizing tips that can make your travels easier. Traveling light means choosing right. With the airlines charging for extra luggage checks these days, traveling light makes more sense than ever. To get everything into one bag, you have to make some really tough choices. For instance,