Published On: June 16th, 2009|Categories: Closet|

This is the fifth in a series of Top 10 Closet Storage Do’s and Don’ts.

5. DON’T store regular small items in lidded boxes. Sometimes I’m in homes where there is no shortage of nice square, lidded, even clear boxes, but there is still a lack of organization.  What’s missing?  Accessibility.  Stackable boxes aren’t for everything.  They make the best use of space for seasonal, archival, and other lesser-used items, but if you need to get to items regularly, lids (and the boxes stacked on top of them) present discouraging barriers.  One of the unfortunate results is multiple purchases.

clear-drawers.jpgDO store regular small items in drawers.  Picture this scenario.  It’s Sunday night, you’re having dinner in front of the TV, the game’s gone into extra innings, but 60 Minutes is on too.  Thank God for the remote control!   Only it’s at this very moment the batteries decide to give out on the remote.  Wouldn’t it be great to know that the problem will be remedied by a 15 second trip to your closet? You swing open the door and there it is, just below eye level, a clear drawer, clearly labeled “batteries.”  Because it’s not overloaded with other junk you can quickly see you have two AA batteries, but you need to buy more for next time.  You’re back in time to see the swing on the 3-2 pitch and it’s a home run!  That’s being organized and that’s a great feeling.  For small items you need to access often, particularly those you need to access quickly, a clear drawer is your best friend.

Today’s key to unlocking clutter.  A drawer does more.

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