Well the snow’s finally here in a big way and with it a blank canvas of possibilities and limitations. I could wax poetic about the many ways this blank canvas relates to organizing, but for this post I’m just going to focus on how the lessons of making a successful snowball relate to the practice of getting successfully organized.
1. The Right Outfit.
Those fuzzy blue mittens are great for your Cookie Monster impression, but for making a big snowball you’ll want gloves that are less sticky. You’ll be outside for a while so make sure the rest of your outfit is warm and water resistant too. To get organized make sure you start by outfitting yourself with the right equipment: a clear work surface, large trash bags, and several empty sorting boxes.
2. A Smart Plan.
Give yourself plenty of room to roll your snowball. If there’s an incline, start at the top of it. Similarly, when getting organized, give yourself more room than you think you will need to sort things. Position donation boxes and other exit items near the doorway.
3. Careful Start.
A strong snowball requires a carefully packed solid center and gradual thin layers of accumulated snow. If you try rushing this in the beginning, it will fall apart. To get organized, a careful approach to sorting and purging at the beginning will allow your progress to “snowball” later.
4. Teamwork.
Making a big snowball can be big work. A helping hand can make things even more fun, but it can fall apart if you are not following the same game plan. Getting organized alone is tough, but it’s a lot easier when you have someone on your side, working toward the same goal. Get on the same page first and it can actually be fun!
5. Focus Not Force.
If your family heads out to make a snowman and everybody just starts wildly flinging snow, all you will have is a mess of snow and no snowman. That’s fine if you’ve changed your plan from snowmen to snow angels, but if you really want a snowman, this can lead to an avalanche of tempers. A good snowball needs a simple plan and the focus to stick to it. If the focus sticks, so will the snow. Getting organized requires a focus on making decisions, not on wildly flinging things into unidentified piles. Getting sorted items into labeled boxes will allow your progress to stick.
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