Published On: August 20th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Home page, Paper Management|

For those of you who prefer to read, here is a transcription of my video with this title.

Organizing: When Digital Makes More Sense

Are you feeling out of touch because you haven’t ditched paper completely like “everyone else”? Do you feel like a Luddite? Don’t worry. I can assure you that not everyone else has ditched paper. My clients haven’t! I haven’t! However, I think it is important to look at where paper’s purpose has passed. Before organizing paper, here are some areas to seriously reconsider it’s merits:

  • Syncing events in your calendar and information in your address book
  • Sharing events and updates with others
  • Sending a written message instantly and more conveniently than a phone call (let alone a letter)

So what does that leave?


Organizing Paper: Digital Doesn’t Always Equal Better

Paper books: Some people still prefer the simple pleasure of leafing through paper pages rather than swiping through a tablet. I can see that. Though it’s convenient to use my phone in line at Starbucks to continue a book I started on my iPad. Otherwise, you’re left with the option of, gasp, maybe engaging in conversation with someone in line, which maybe isn’t such a bad thing.

Newspapers: Maybe it’s just people of my generation, but there’s a certain pleasure, a ritual almost, with reading the Sunday paper. I just don’t get this with grabbing the Apple News headlines on my iPhone.

Handwritten cards: People still appreciate the value of a hand-written note. You seem more grateful when you say thank you with a thank-you note than with a thank-you email. If it’s a birthday card, we know you had to take time out of your schedule to plan ahead. You chose the right card, put thought into the message, and mailed it in time for the birthday. Sending a digital gift card may cost you more money. However, I think the pricier digital gift card has less value than the paper card.

Artist’s sketch pad: I am blown away by so much of the iPad art I am seeing created on Instagram and Pinterest. I am trying to keep up and learn how to do it myself. Though I have say, I miss the tactile pleasure of the slightly rough texture of the sketch pad page. I guess I never appreciated it until it was gone and I know I’m not alone with this. Innovators develop products to bring this friction to the tablet page. I have a clear screen on my iPad page which gives a slight drag to my iPencil. There’s also these Pen Tips which are designed to do the same thing. I’ve found the combination of the two is too much. I’m still keeping my paper sketch pad handy.

Prioritizing: A digital system is great for holding, syncing, and sharing all your information and events. However, I still prefer paper for prioritizing projects and to-do’s. These are what I call Running Files, which you may have heard me talk about previously. While you can move information around your computer, I still find it easier to shuffle paper around on my desk. I can spread out and prioritize and then return to a clear work surface to process them. This makes me confident that I am addressing them in order of importance. BTW this is why I have no use for the Only-handle-it-once (OHIO) method for paper. Also, not all your documents are going to be in a digital format. So it’s easier to work in bills-to-pay, client files, other paper documents.

Calendars: I still find paper calendars easier to view quickly. I absolutely use a digital calendar update, sync, and share events. But, if I want to quickly find an upcoming event, I just glance at the paper calendar on my wall.

Visible to-do’s: My strongest case for paper is for organizing to-do’s. You don’t really need to sync, share, or make records of to-do’s, so you don’t benefit from a digital solution. Out of sight, out of mind often makes sense, but not for your to-do’s. The more vertical, visible, and minimal they are, the more likely your to-do’s are likely to get DONE. Check out my Running Files video on Youtube to learn more.


Paper Still Has a Place in Organizing

Here’s your permission to keep a place for paper in your life in this digital age. Resist the pressure to go all-in on digital.

When do you think paper is still a better option than digital?

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