
Categories For A Power Sorting

My wonderful clients know I have one simple rule at the Decision Table: “Nothing stays on the table.” When sorting a large quantity of stuff, it is important to recognize that EVERYTHING has a category and, therefore, a plan forward. Some categories, like “toss” and “donate” are obvious, but to keep the momentum going, you need more options. Here are a few.

2023-10-21T02:52:50-04:00July 4th, 2011|Clutter Control|

“Important” is Not a Category

Effective organizing begins with assigning basic categories, but "important" is NOT a category. It may be tempting to think, "I'll just keep all my 'important stuff' together in one safe place and take my chances with the rest of it." This is not a safe practice. Here are 5 reasons why. 1. "Important" changes with time. If this is the one system that makes you feel safe then the odds are very good that you don't have a system for disposing of once-important items

2023-10-21T04:45:27-04:00August 18th, 2009|Paper Management|
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