owners manuals

Why You Have More Space in Your File Cabinet Than You Think

The term "thickening agent" generally refers to paint and food products, but you might be surprised at how many thickening agents are in your file folders. Unlike gumbo, however, your files are much better off without these thickening agents. Here are six examples:

2023-10-21T01:56:10-04:00November 25th, 2013|Home page, Paper Management, Systems|

The Secret to Why You Still Can’t Stay Organized

Being organized requires a balance of three limited resources. The first two are time and space. Much has been written about how to work within the limits of time and space, but there is a third resource that attracts less attention. That resource is energy. It is possible to clear your space, organize your time, and establish sensible systems for both and still not be able to stay organized, because you lack the energy to maintain those systems.

2023-10-21T02:20:23-04:00February 18th, 2013|Home page, Systems|
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