Published On: June 24th, 2013|Categories: Clutter Control, Home page, Systems|

Organizing D.I.Y. Not

Look, I don’t pretend that getting organized is the hardest thing in the world. It ain’t rocket surgery. But if you’re not good at organizing, going the DIY route can be a bit like cutting your own hair. Yes, you CAN do it, but don’t be surprised if you don’t like the results.

Most of us have no problem recognizing that it’s worth the time and money to have one’s hair cut reliably by a professional. However, when I explain that I actually expect to get paid for our services, I am often met with the blank stare that suggests “you actually want to get paid for making me throw things out? I can do that myself!”

If  getting organized is seen as simple as disposing, then of course it’s not valued.  There’s much more to it than that.

And STAYING organized is more complicated than just fitting stuff in. I am often in homes where I am told that our help is not needed with a closet full of items, that are packed in tight and never used. “I’ve got that pretty well ‘organized,'” I’m told. Good organization is measured by an item’s find-ability and usability, not its ability to fit.

There’s little shame in admitting that you don’t know how to cut hair, yet somehow there’s a perception that organizing SHOULD be as easy as cleaning. When it’s not, folks get down on themselves and they shouldn’t.

If you didn’t like it when your parents told you to pick up your room when you were a kid, why should you like it when you need to do it now? Here’s another thought. Even the best haircut only lasts a few weeks. Be honest. Are your best organizing efforts lasting longer than a few weeks?












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