Paper Management

February 7,2017, Better Connecticut, File Depot, Organizing Archive Files

Matt visits a File Depot to provide long term file storage strategies alongside owner Michael Kenney with Scot Haney of Better Connecticut.

2017-02-07T16:19:11-05:00February 7th, 2017|Home page, News, Paper Management, Television|

Organizing Files By Temperature

Our clients often get ahead of themselves. I mean WAY ahead of themselves. We may be looking at 30 bags and boxes of papers and the client will ask, “Do you recommend color-coding my files?” What I’m really hearing in their voices is “CAN we color-code my files PLEASE?” It’s as if a magical rainbow of colors will make the 30 bags and boxes disappear.

2024-09-18T13:42:57-04:00February 14th, 2016|Clutter Control, Home page, Paper Management|

When to Organize to 100%

I have written a lot on the subject of perfectionism-as-a-barrier. People often confuse organizing with a quest to be perfect and that’s a mistake. Organizing is more about managing priorities effectively. That said, although we usually don’t have the time to be perfect, there are times when managing priorities benefits from pushing things to 100%. Here are three examples.

2023-10-21T01:05:18-04:00November 2nd, 2015|Clutter Control, Home page, Paper Management|

Points Of Compulsion To Stay Organized

It is impossible to stay organized without action. If there’s no action on paying bills, the mail will pile up; if theres no action on the laundry, the clothes will pile up; etc. Certain points of compulsion are necessary to ensure that these actions happen.

2024-09-11T16:21:16-04:00October 22nd, 2015|Clutter Control, Home page, Paper Management, Systems, Time Management|
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