
Staying Organized with Launch Pads

Being organized does not necessarily mean that you accomplish everything faster. Being organized, however, does require that you help yourself by establishing actionable areas to make your finished goals easier. I call these actionable areas, launch pads. Here are some examples of some key launch pads to keep in a typical household.

2023-10-21T02:31:06-04:00October 3rd, 2012|Home page, Systems|

Teeing It Up

A golf ball is placed on a tee, so that the ball is in a position that it can be struck cleanly. Teeing up is a step that is taken so the next step is easier. Effective organizing systems need to be, not only a series of stages, but a series of stages that are each “teed up” for each subsequent stage. For example, if your system for organizing the ugly mail is hiding it in a pretty basket, you have not teed up the next stage well.

2024-09-18T12:46:34-04:00April 17th, 2012|Systems|

What Your Dining Table Has In Common With a Runway In Memphis

Want to make your home more inviting? The dining table is usually a great place to start. If it’s piled with mail, schoolwork, and crafts then it’s not very welcoming. To keep your table clear and inviting, it helps to think of it as a runway at the FedEx “Super Hub” at Memphis International Airport. The most valuable organizing tool is a clear surface for processing.

2024-09-03T02:13:36-04:00March 2nd, 2010|Paper Management|
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