organizing systems

Points Of Compulsion To Stay Organized

It is impossible to stay organized without action. If there’s no action on paying bills, the mail will pile up; if theres no action on the laundry, the clothes will pile up; etc. Certain points of compulsion are necessary to ensure that these actions happen.

2023-10-21T01:05:37-04:00October 22nd, 2015|Clutter Control, Home page, Paper Management, Systems, Time Management|

Something the Middle Ages Actually Got Right

The modern definition of clutter is a collection of things lying about in an untidy mass, which I find woefully inadequate. It doesn’t address the value of these “things.” The origin of the word clutter, is from the Middle English, clotter, which means to clot. I actually like that better.

2023-10-21T01:57:13-04:00October 21st, 2013|Clutter Control, Home page|

“Papers? I’ve Gotta Go Through Those MYSELF.”

Sometimes when we are sorting and purging our client’s stuff, we come across some bags of papers and the client will tell us “I’ve gotta go through those myself.” I’ve challenged this argument so many times, I thought I’d blog about it. What follows are the reasons for their argument and why they don’t hold water.

2023-10-21T02:16:12-04:00April 2nd, 2013|Home page, Paper Management|


If being organized has been a lifelong challenge, then new habits are necessary to get and stay organized. Sometimes, however, organizing challenges can be overcome just by addressing the structures we choose. Staying organized requires easy, reliable movement from one stage to the next. Circulation prevents accumulation. Here are some examples of structures that we hobble ourselves with, just like a hobbled horse.

2023-10-21T02:30:17-04:00October 23rd, 2012|Home page, Systems|
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