

10 Places To Find More Home Office Space

April 1st, 2021|Categories: Home page, Paper Management|

There's one thing I’m sure I don’t have to tell you about finding more home office space. You won't find it by discovering a door to a secret room.You also won’t find it by unloading one major category. That big category has been important enough to keep. It won’t suddenly become so unimportant that it can all go. So space has to come from a series of small space gains that add up. Here are 10 tips to help.

Organizing Paper Action Files Made Easy

March 25th, 2021|Categories: Home page, Paper Management|

Organizing Paper Action Files Made Easy is my fourth installment of my paper management series. This is how to set up “Running Files,” so that you can be more productive and stay organized.  I also look at how to deal with a backlog of action files.

Imagine An Organized Home

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