Clutter Control

October 2016, Better Connecticut, Organizing to Move

Matt is joined by Susan O'Connell of Just So Organized, a Certified Move Manager, with hosts Scot Haney and Kara Sundlun, to talk about organizing for a move. Matt and Susan share some great tips to make your move less stressful.

2024-09-11T16:07:31-04:00November 2nd, 2016|Clutter Control, Home page, News, Television|

Organizing to Move: Settling In

Moving is stressful, but doing it in an organized way, can relieve that stress. This starts by breaking the moving process down into the major stages. In this series, I already talked about first assembling the right team, how to declutter the excess, and staging your home to sell, and, last time, we left off with moving day. Now it’s time to settle in to your new home.

2016-11-02T18:04:53-04:00November 2nd, 2016|Clutter Control, Home page|

August Organizing Tip: Using a Table

I know what you’re thinking. You don’t need me to tell you how to use a table. That’s true, but if you are having difficulty staying organized, I want to offer a professional organizer’s perspective on tables, that will help. This starts with looking at a table as a tool, rather than a piece of furniture. In fact, I believe a clear work surface is your number one organizing tool.

2016-08-01T17:45:35-04:00August 1st, 2016|Clutter Control, Home page, Systems|

Father Away From Excess

Yes, I know I left out an “r” in the title. It’s a bad pun, but that’s OK, because my father loved bad puns. On this Father’s Day, I remember my father fondly. There’s no other way to remember him. As this is an organizing blog, I want to talk about my minimalist roots that came from Dad.

2016-06-19T13:25:06-04:00June 19th, 2016|Clutter Control, Home page, Time Management|
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