Time Management

The Secret to the 10 Minute Purge

You know those magazine articles or online features that offer “Great Organizing Tips!”? They almost always include a tip that says something to the effect of: "Spend just 10 minutes throwing out unwanted items." Often they advise to “just start with the junk drawer!” A ten minute purge can be very unsatisfying without three key guidelines. So the secret to the 10 minute purge is actually 3 secrets:

2023-10-21T02:03:51-04:00August 6th, 2013|Clutter Control, Home page, Paper Management, Time Management|

Book Review: A Mom’s Guide to Home Organization

If you find that your biggest organizing challenges come from the trials of being a mother, A Mom’s Guide to Home Organization is a great resource. It’s written by Debbie Lillard, a mother of three children and a professional organizer since 2003.

2024-09-11T15:23:01-04:00June 4th, 2013|Clutter Control, Home page, Product Reviews, Time Management|

The Weekly Round Up

I have touched upon my system of Project Corrals in past posts, but today I am going to go into it in more detail. As always I believe a good system is an EASY system. This system involves an easy habit I call the weekly round-up, which I will demonstrate using my own projects and tasks as an example. The most important takeaway I got from David Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity is this.

2012-01-29T17:42:30-05:00January 29th, 2012|Time Management|

What My Headlines Look Like

A while back I described how to organize your to-do’s by comparing them to newspaper headlines. Today I want to share an actual model of what that might look like. To summarize, the front page of a newspaper is made up of a series of short compelling headlines. Each headline may have a short blurb, but it always has a connecter to the full story inside. Much of the time, what piles up on our desks are full stories.

2024-09-18T12:53:52-04:00October 1st, 2011|Time Management|

To Organize Is To Prioritize

Being organized is not about hiding everything in pretty baskets or about buying the latest organizing gadgets. In fact, you stand a better chance of being organized WITHOUT adding the baskets and gadgets. Good organizing is more of a subtractive process. It’s about subtracting barriers. It’s about taking the less important stuff in your life out of your way, so you can get to your priorities.

2024-09-03T02:13:32-04:00August 2nd, 2011|Time Management|

Just Say “No” To Notebooks

Bound and spiral notebooks may make sense for taking notes in school or keeping a journal, but they are terrible for keeping you organized. I have seen thousands of (usually) half-used notebooks in my clients homes and not once have I seen one used as an effective organizing tool. I would add notepads to this list and exclude binders, which can be useful for reference material.

2024-09-03T02:13:30-04:00July 2nd, 2011|Systems, Time Management|
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