
About MB

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So far MB has created 497 blog entries.

Product Review: Fellowes Saturn 3i 95 Laminator

The Fellowes Saturn 3i 95 Small Office Laminator is an excellent laminator. It couldn't be simpler. If you have been frustrated by the learning curve that comes with all the new gadgets and software that are available these days, then you're in for a treat.

2024-09-23T15:17:18-04:00June 15th, 2015|Home page, Product Reviews|

Organizing Breathing Room into Your Systems

When I first started my organizing business, I called it Breathing Room. Back then I believed that breathing room is a highly desired result from getting organized. I still do. I also believe it is a vital component to organizing systems for both space and time.

2024-09-18T14:34:50-04:00May 26th, 2015|Home page, Systems, Time Management|

Getting Organized: Save Dessert for Last

The number one mistake people make, when trying to get organized, is to run out and buy containers, before they know exactly what they are containing. It’s certainly tempting. I mean look at that sampling of gorgeous containers picture to the right. They’re like candy. Like any dessert, they should be saved for last.

2015-04-27T16:50:33-04:00April 27th, 2015|Clutter Control, Home page, Systems|

Why the Garage is the Best Place to Start Organizing

It is very common for me to meet with a potential client who can’t decide if she wants to begin with organizing the cluttered bedroom, the cluttered kitchen, or the cluttered home office. For me, it’s always a clear choice: the garage.

2015-04-05T12:55:14-04:00April 5th, 2015|Clutter Control, Home page|

Organizing: It Ain’t About Being Perfect

Yup that’s me, enjoying a heavenly IPA at Coalhouse Pizza. That’s about as close as this 7-day-a-week business owner gets to happy hour. The laptop comes with me, so I can write posts like this one. So what’s the point I’m making here? I consider myself very organized and I, literally, make it my business to empower others with organizing, but organizing has got nothing to do with being perfect.

2023-10-21T01:42:48-04:00March 4th, 2015|Home page, Time Management|
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