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Product Review: Grid-It!

The Grid-It! by Cocoon is one of those organizing products that folks get excited about on sight. "Ooh, what's that?" It really is like nothing else. It's essentially a board, of various sizes, with elastic straps, cris-crossing it, in various configurations. It’s useful for holding and organizing all sorts of things, but here are my favorite uses.

2013-07-10T06:00:03-04:00July 10th, 2013|Clutter Control, Home page, Product Reviews, Systems|

Free Up Space With Freecycle

Do you ever see a dumpster with stuff in it that doesn't seem to belong? Maybe it's some perfectly good furniture, some sheets of plywood, or some lightly used office supplies. It's the type of stuff that makes you think, "well I can't put this to good use, but I'm sure SOMEBODY could." That's the type of scenario that's perfect for freecycle.

2024-09-10T14:13:28-04:00July 8th, 2013|Clutter Control, Home page|

What’s YOUR Revelation?

One of our greatest obstacles is overcoming the suspicion that Professional Organizers are shysters who have figured out a way to get paid from making you throw out all your stuff. Not true. Our focus is not on throwing everything out. The fact is, our focus is on what you are KEEPING and how much, and why, and where it's all going to go. How do we get the best results? It does NOT come from us telling you what you MUST do, but from creating an environment, where you make your OWN revelations. We do this every day, but in this post, I want to share one of our most beautiful examples.

2023-10-21T02:09:53-04:00June 17th, 2013|Clutter Control, Home page|

Book Review: Organizing From The Inside Out

Ten years ago I didn't even know there was such a thing as a PROFESSIONAL Organizer. The first one I knew of was Peter Walsh from TLC's Clean Sweep. Not knowing where else to turn, I emailed Mr. Walsh, who started me out with two excellent pieces of advice: join NAPO and read Julie Morgenstern's Organizing From The Inside out.

2024-09-11T15:17:37-04:00June 13th, 2013|Home page, Product Reviews|

Are Vampires Lurking in Your Closet?

Last week a woman was giving me a tour of all the organizing challenges in her home and when we came to a closet upstairs, I asked her, “can I see what’s in here?” She said “Oh, I don’t want to show you that. It’s a DISASTER!” After explaining to her that I was in the disaster business, she let me have a look.

2023-10-21T02:10:15-04:00June 10th, 2013|Closet, Clutter Control, Home page|

Book Review: A Mom’s Guide to Home Organization

If you find that your biggest organizing challenges come from the trials of being a mother, A Mom’s Guide to Home Organization is a great resource. It’s written by Debbie Lillard, a mother of three children and a professional organizer since 2003.

2024-09-11T15:23:01-04:00June 4th, 2013|Clutter Control, Home page, Product Reviews, Time Management|
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