
Remove The Friction

April 25th, 2011|Categories: Systems|Tags: , , |

Life is full of stumbling blocks you have no control of.  You can best equip yourself to take on these challenges by making every step of your most regular and predictable processes as easy as [...]

Reduce To Produce

March 29th, 2011|Categories: Systems|Tags: , |

Ever had so much stuff piled up on your desk, that you didn’t feel like you could do ANY of it? Challenge yourself to pick a limited number for each task. Start with your to-do [...]

Organizing In High Gear (and Low)

March 25th, 2011|Categories: Clutter Control|

My central organizing philosophy is circulation prevents accumulation.  This is more obvious for regular activities like washing dishes and laundry, but I maintain it applies to EVERYTHING.  Some items take much longer to circulate, but [...]

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