

October 23rd, 2012|Categories: Home Page, Systems|Tags: , , , , , |

If being organized has been a lifelong challenge, then new habits are necessary to get and stay organized. Sometimes, however, organizing challenges can be overcome just by addressing the structures we choose. Staying organized requires easy, reliable movement from one stage to the next. Circulation prevents accumulation. Here are some examples of structures that we hobble ourselves with, just like a hobbled horse.

The Stay Factors

October 15th, 2012|Categories: Home Page, Systems|Tags: , , |

There are two essential parts to being organized: getting organized and staying organized. Getting organized involves a lot of sorting, purging, and rethinking of your stuff. Sorry, there’s no way to stay organized without first processing out the excess. Once you've done that, however, there are certain factors that will help you stay organized.

Staying Organized with Launch Pads

October 3rd, 2012|Categories: Home Page, Systems|Tags: , , , , , , |

Being organized does not necessarily mean that you accomplish everything faster. Being organized, however, does require that you help yourself by establishing actionable areas to make your finished goals easier. I call these actionable areas, launch pads. Here are some examples of some key launch pads to keep in a typical household.

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